Nick Phillips’ debut classical instrumental album is out! Had quite a blast working with this talented man. We spent a solid month in production and post. Talk about a well-rehearsed and practiced pianist!

There are twelve tracks on the album all composed by Nick, ranging from piano and harpsichord sonatas to full orchestral instrumentals.

A short, but fun project which involved production, recording, editing mixing and mastering, and even album art and package design with commissioned photography.

Triple Scoop Music said:

Spiritually Transcending. A ” Must Have ” for a New Influence; Composer, Nick Phillips, delivers a divine and virtuosic style of classical music while sending you on a magnificent epic.

MTV Music said:

The unique breed that is embodied In Nick Phillips keeps the roots of old style classical music. His style is an eclectic form of classical composition. Maestro’s Project, Nicks’ debut album, consists of pieces that portray the Revelations of Jesus Christ. His spirituality transcends through harmony in a mood that is epic adventure with a powerful sense of Glory. Nick Phillips hopes to influence musicians and music lovers with the essence of God.

Album Art Gallery:

[EasyGallery id=’maestrosproject’]

For full project information check out the portfolio page here.