The Listening Party

by Mar 21, 2018News

Our very first listening party at The Press Recording Studio was a hit! Attendees shared music, works in progress, and engaged in many lively discussions. If you’ve never been to a listening party, there are a few different kinds – but this one is quite unique.

Attendees are encouraged to bring audio projects they have been working on, or completed, as a semi-impromptu show-and-tell. This kind of listening party provides the perfect atmosphere and setting for audio professionals of all backgrounds to network and discover one another.

We had a fully booked event, but unfortunately, some people couldn’t make it. That, however, didn’t curb the excitement of those that did attend, and there was still quite a few that attended. The diversity of the group allowed for everyone to learn something from one another and in a very enjoyable way.  Everyone walked away with something gained.

There was a discussion about songwriting and performance, especially from the experiences of the female vocalist who attended and opened up to share with everyone. The engineers in the group discovered and enlightened the group on the advantages of having a dedicated clock to synchronize various equipment with (especially where conversion to and/or from digital is concerned). Producers, artists, and engineers all shared some amazing work, as well as talked everyone through their processes involved.

We couldn’t have had such an amazing time without Matt Young and his overnight engineer, Diego,  offering to open up the studio space for us to gather. The studio may not be cavernous, but it’s actually the perfect size for this kind of event. Smaller groups like this allow for more personal bonding.

I would also like to thank our generous sponsor: the Audio Engineering Society San Francisco Chapter, for helping coordinate and guide the organization and marketing of the event. We both would like to thank Antelope Audio and Dangerous music for helping expose this event to as many audio professionals and students as possible. Both were featured in the listening experience as the studio utilizes their hardware components in the monitoring chain.

The Antelope Audio & Dangerous music hardware components coupled with the great acoustic design of the control room provided a stunning, accurate presentation that enabled everyone to hear their projects in a fresh environment and get critical feedback from one another. I cannot thank our sponsors enough for the opportunity they were able to provide the California Central Valley community!

This was an AES S.F. section event. Joining AES has many perks and benefits, if you select the S.F. chapter you’ll get invitations to their program of events as well. They host events all around the Bay Area, including the extremely popular Studio Crawl & Mega Mixer!

This events program is unique.  While AES is a partner, you do not have to be an AES member to attend these events. This program is still in its infancy, but I’m working hard to grow it into a great program that brings creative professionals of every background together so that the California Valley can thrive.

If you’re bummed you missed it, I have some good news. There’s another listening party in the works! I highly encourage everyone interested in attending events like this and more to sign up for our events mailing list so that you don’t miss another opportunity. sign up now, and you’ll be notified as soon as the event is open for registration.

If you’re an artist, musician, engineer, producer, promoter, marketer, sound designer, foley artist, DJ, or even a student, these events are for you.  Come join the fun and discover one another.

Don't Miss It.

These events are private functions with extremely limited space, so don’t delay !

Are you interested in helping out? Do you own a business that would like to host an event? We’re looking to expand this events program into a great resource for the tri-valley California area.