Free Feedback Wednesdays with Teknofonic!

by Oct 15, 2019Blog, News0 comments

I’m joining Adam Reifsteck every Wednesday this month as Teknofic live streams in the Electronic Musicians Facebook group

And I’m inviting you!

Register to attend by going to and Share a work-in-progress, get constructive feedback, and network with other producers! Are you struggling with something particular in your mixes? Bring your questions so Adam, Tim, and I can answer them!

I joined Adam for the first time last Wednesday and gave feedback on several tracks that several artists shared with the group, and you can check it out here.  There’s over an hour jampacked full of information bombs that Adam and I drop throughout the live stream.  We dissected a banger of a bootleg remix and answered questions about mono compatibility, and even covered songwriting and compositional perspectives of your audience and how to capture and hold their attention.

The Mastering Gauntlet needs your help!

While we’re on the topic of feedback, The Mastering Gauntlet could use your input.  If you don’t mind taking 5-10 minutes to participate in our survey, it could really help to shape the future of The Mastering Gauntlet for everyone, including you!