An entrepreneur is someone who can eat reality for breakfast without getting sick.

There’s definitely something to be said for the stereotype of the American entrepreneurial spirit.  We’re cavalier, shoot-from-the-hip idealists that throw money at any situation in search of getting rich quick and living happily ever after.  However, Troy and I will attest to the ways that reality can slap you in the face if you’re not paying attention to the things that actually matter.

You see, there’s a pervasive cultural divide that consumerism is largely to blame when it comes to the information gap and life-lessons around survival in the modern era.   You don’t have to be a business owner or a budding entrepreneur to realize these lessons that life is trying to teach you.

Cash flow problems can come in all shapes and sizes.  I invite my long-time friend and business partner to share their experiences in failed business endeavors to illustrate how their mindsets at the time led to those failures and give five key tips for taking action on getting control of your cash flow so that you don’t have to suffer the same failures they did.


Listen to the episode.

The Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®–an online community and professional development platform that provides learning resources, networking opportunities, and mentoring to music creators in any industry.  Join our Discord server.



Copyright 2021. Teknofonic Recordings LLC.
Produced and hosted by Cameron Bashaw

About Troy:
Co-Founder of Neologic Studios with Cameron, rock and metal recording and mix engineer based in Northern California.

Intro Song: Starblast (instrumental) – Pollux & Castor

Outro song: Xray Liota (instrumental) – Pollux & Castor

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