what can happen when you lean in 100% on your personal brand?
There’s a long-running belief that if you just get signed to a label, you’ll have it made. Seasoned metal musician, Jared Christianson, has toured with nationally known bands and carved a notable legacy in the metal space with Arkaik. However, the reality of being a modern touring musician is not all it’s cracked up to be.
I dive deep with Christian, and we uncover the truth behind the opportunity that forging a successful artist group comes with its own perpetual set of challenges that just getting signed to a label won’t solve.
Listen to the episode.
The Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®–an online community and professional development platform that provides learning resources, networking opportunities, and mentoring to music creators in any industry. Join our Discord server.
Copyright 2022. Teknofonic Recordings LLC.
Produced and hosted by Cameron Bashaw
Editorial: Justin Mok
Resource drops:
About Jared Christianson:
currently an artist coach for Modern Musician and lead singer of Arkaik.
Intro & outro music
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