Into The Gauntlet: Mastering Selenium

Into The Gauntlet: Mastering Selenium

Welcome to Into The Gauntlet, where I dive into each mastering session that was part of The Mastering Gauntlet Season 1: Electric Summer. This episode, I’ll be doing a walkthrough of my mastering process on Selenium‘s single: That’s Me. Afterward, I’ll provide an A/B comparison between my competitor’s master and mine, as well as dive into some mixing tips for the song, and share lessons I learned during this season’s challenge.

The Mastering Gauntlet Champion Announced!

The Mastering Gauntlet Champion Announced!

The 2019 Mastering Gauntlet’s debut season, Electric Summer, has officially concluded, and a champion has emerged! I went head-to-head against Christian Caicedo of Envious Audio during the entire month of September, mastering as many submissions as we could get in order to do 1 song a day.

Joining The Mastering Gauntlet

Joining The Mastering Gauntlet

The Mastering Gauntlet is a brand new, radical approach to an age old industry practice. Two mastering engineers will be going head-to-head, competing for the most winning approvals of their masters during the month of August. The artists get FREE mastering, and a chance at winning some amazing production prizes to elevate their sounds and workflow to the next level. The losing engineer donates $250 to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

The Listening Party

The Listening Party

Our very first listening party at The Press Recording Studio was a hit! Attendees shared music, works in progress, and engaged in many lively discussions. If you’ve never been to a listening party, there are a few different kinds – but this one is quite...
NAMM 2018 Is Here!

NAMM 2018 Is Here!

It’s here again.  The National Association of Music Merchants (N.A.M.M) holds conventions to showcase the latest trends, innovations, and fascinating discoveries related to the world of music and multimedia. I attended last year and it was certainly a sight to...