Free Feedback Wednesdays with Teknofonic!
Free Feedback Wednesdays with Teknofonic! Please, please, please don’t pass this up, you’ll regret it later!
Free Feedback Wednesdays with Teknofonic! Please, please, please don’t pass this up, you’ll regret it later!
During this entire month of October, I’ll be mentoring and coaching artists and producers who want to learn how to set themselves up for a career in music and audio by learning the most fundamental aspects of being their own boss, through the Teknofonic Mentorship program. Find out more in the full article.
The 2019 Mastering Gauntlet’s debut season, Electric Summer, has officially concluded, and a champion has emerged! I went head-to-head against Christian Caicedo of Envious Audio during the entire month of September, mastering as many submissions as we could get in order to do 1 song a day.
I peruse a lot of facebook production and DAW groups daily looking to help others in my free time, & daily, I see people asking the same questions about mastering: if it’s possible with stock plugins, or what plugins should they get? While I must say that the debates rage much more heavily in certain groups like Producer Dojo, and Ableton Live, there was a common denominator among them;
“You can’t master with stock plugins, go buy more!”
It seems that everywhere online that I turn to, people are asking questions about mastering and if it’s possible with stock plugins, or what plugins should they get? And, with every post came a deluge of wide-ranging responses, but there was a common denominator among them, “You can’t master with stock plugins, go buy more!”